Oh how I adore Christmas. Fall is my favorite "season" but Christmas is my favorite "time of year." Does that make sense? I only wish they could move Christmas to oh, say February. That way we could just relish every moment of Autumn, and then happily anticipate Christmas. As it is, it seems just when you are basking in the fall colors, smells, sights, it is time to think about Christmas.
For me, the ultimate shopaholic, it is Christmas all year round as I am constantly on the lookout for treasures for those on my Christmas list and now you, our dear Duchess and Bird friends. And though my children live on opposite coasts and I'm here in the midwest, visiting them gives me an opportunity to scour antiques shops, flea markets, and out of the way boutiques that I otherwise would not have found. You see how I'm trying to find the silver lining in this?
But I never lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. And I don't for a moment believe that it is all about "shopping."
Whereas it gives me untold joy to give carefully chosen treasures, wrapped lovingly and beautifully, to my friends and family, the truth is that they are MY gifts and I never forget this.
And you, our new friends are our gifts as well. We look forward to hearing from you. I always love hearing about different family holiday traditions.
( Photo is my son and his new wife, married on New Year's Eve)
Our warmest wishes to you all
Duchess and Bird