As we begin our journey into the world wide web of blogs and e-commerce, Bird wanted to tell you about the Veranda Magazine talk she heard recently in San Francisco with stylesetters and the fabulous editor at large Carolyn Englefield called the Art of Design Awards. It was a roundtable discussion on what is luxury today. The panel included one of my favorite interiors designers, Paul Vincent Wiseman, jewelry designer Todd Reed and Ursula Ilse-Neumann curator of the NYC Museum of American Crafts. Everyone agreed today's luxury is a far cry from the luxury and show it all/must have it all attitude of the 1990's. Everyone agreed today luxury is quieter and all about comfort. Yes you can have the best one can afford but it isn't shouted out loud. It is a world of refinement harking back to to the 1940's and 1950's.
We were curious what your definition of luxury is and has it changed from past decades? We would love to hear from you!
Keep watch for our our upcoming website site debut at We are taking flight with inspired luxuries!